Wednesday, April 8, 2009


incredible mind

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

Would you agree with the statement that a dream is born from an idea-a simple idea conceived in the mind?

Back in the 19th century two brothers had an idea which eventually became their passionate and consuming dream. Their relentless pursuit of that dream was rewarded with an accomplishment that changed world travel.

incredible mindOn Friday December 17, 1903 at 10:35 AM, the Wright brothers (Wilbur and Orville) achieved their dream. They flew "the world's first power-driven, heavier-than-air machine in which man made free, controlled, and sustained flight." This memorable feat took place at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on a cold windy morning.

The dream started with an idea that was planted in their minds by a toy given to them by their father. In the words of the boys, "Late in the autumn of 1878, our father came into the house one evening with some object partly concealed in his hands, and before we could see what it was, he tossed it into the air. Instead of falling to the floor, as we expected, it flew across the room till it struck the ceiling, where it fluttered awhile, and finally sank to the floor." This simple toy made of bamboo, cork and stretched rubber bands, fascinated the Wright brothers and sparked their lifelong interest in human flight.

The Wright brothers were great thinkers. They enjoyed learning new things. Initially, they recycled broken parts, built a printing press and opened their own printing office. Their interest moved to bicycles and in 1893, they opened the Wright Cycle Company where they sold and repaired bicycles. But Wilbur (the older brother) had his mind set on something more exciting. He decided to seriously pursue flying.

The brothers spent many hours researching, testing their machines and making improvements after unsuccessful attempts at human flight. What started out as a hobby soon became a passion. With determination and patience they realized their dream in 1903.

The next time you hear or see an airplane or travel on one, remember where it all started. A simply idea conceived in the minds of two young men who did not finish high school. Believe it or not, they did not have a University degree in Aeronautical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or any other subject. They were not scientists in the true sense of the word. In fact, many of their peers who did not witness their accomplishment, had trouble believing that two bicycle mechanics from Dayton, Ohio did what they claimed.

What idea or ideas are YOU working on? Have you said you can't do this or that because you are not a scientist? Have you limited yourself by saying you are not smart enough? Or have you joined the majority in saying that everything has already been invented or discovered?

Since the introduction of the first generation of personal computers in 1981, we are able to do many things more efficiently. With a super computer between your ears and the personal computer at your finger tips, your dream can be achieved. First, give birth to that dream with an idea. A simply idea that ANYONE of us can conceive and believe it can achieve

incredible mind


Your belief system is the actual set of precepts from which you live your daily life, those which govern your thoughts, words, and actions.

A philosophical theory (also called a belief system or simply a Philosophy) is a set of statements, each of which is believed to be true, and which supports some conclusion which explains something about the nature of the world we live in.


What is the subconscious belief system?

I can do that thing.
No it’s impossible.
I am good at math.
Men always cheat.

What are these phrases? Are they some kind of opinion? Actually yes, but not just a normal opinion, they are beliefs. Beliefs are solid ideas stored in your subconciousmind . whether they were really true or not, you will believe in them as long as you hold them in your mind. Beliefs get stronger when more evidence supports them and they become weaker when something appears to be contradicting with them.

How it is formed

When an idea constantly bypasses your conscious filters straight to your subconscious mind it may turn it into a belief. You may be asking yourself how can an idea bypass my conscious ? The following are some examples that will show you how can this happen:

  • When the idea comes from a trusted source: when you were a child, your main trusted source was your parents. If your parents told you that this animal is called a dog you will immediately believe them and since you will find that everyone around supports this idea it will turn into a strong belief.

    Now what if your parents kept telling you that you were fool or dumb? What will be the result? you will grow up thinking that its true, and you may end up feeling inferior knowing that this was the root cause for your feelings of inferiority. You may be asking yourself now, what will be strengthening this belief? This time it will be you, your subconscious mind will just pick every clue that supports this belief ignoring everything else. For example, if someone rejected you the first thing that you will think of, is that he rejected you because you are dumb.

  • When you are hypnotized : when you become hypnotized conscious mind filters will be turned off and so these suggestions will directly to your subconscious mind.
  • When the conscious mind gets distracted: when something catches the full attention of your conscious mind you become highly receptive to suggestions. That's the same idea advertisers use when they put their commercials in the middle of your favorite T.V series. In this case, your conscious mind will be thinking of what will happen to the hero of the series while at the same time your subconscious mind will be receiving suggestions by the commercial.

The Belief system and your life

Beliefs are so important to the extent that they could change your life. You may even create a self fulfilling prophecy to support a false belief that you have about yourself. For example suppose you think that you are not good at math. Most probably you won't be motivated study math because you will be thinking that whatever you do you won't get good grades, and the result will be poor performance in the exam which will in turn reinforce the belief!!!

That was a simple belief. In some cases, beliefs totally ruin people's lives like when someone thinks that he is a failure or when someone thinks that he is a victim. Your beliefs can even prevent you from recovering after breakups and could keep you broken for years, false beliefs such as "He is my soul mate" can prevent you from recovering for years. In such a case getting over that breakups requires you to get rid of these false beliefs.

The right way to deal with beliefs

In order to prevent false beliefs from taking control of your life you must constantly challenge those false beliefs. Seek the right clues and don’t just pick the clues your subconscious mind wants. Keep asking yourself questions like, is it true that i am dumb? do i have a 100% clear clue that supports it or is it just my imagination?

The more you ask yourself these types of questions the more you will be challenging the false belief and the more it will weaken.

How to Change or Develop a Belief System

Posted by Arin Vahanian at 10/31/2007 11:11 AM

A friend once asked me, “How did you come to believe in yourself and your abilities?” To me, it was a simple enough question, and my answer was even simpler: “I just did.”
Now, that may not make any sense to you right now, but it will by the time you finish reading this blog entry.

People have asked me how they could go about changing the beliefs that they have about themselves, about others, and about life. And my answer has always been the same - in order to change a belief, you simply need to change it.

What this means is that you do not need any life-altering events, signs, or proof that you can have a certain belief. The belief does not come from any external forces; it comes entirely from within you. What you need in order to change your belief system, or even just a single belief, is the decision that you are changing it. That is all.

All of the beliefs that you have right now, you choose to have. I know this is admittedly a
difficult thing for many people to understand, since they feel that they have no control over many of the events in their life. And while it’s true that we may not have control over every single aspect of our lives, one thing we do have control over is how we perceive any given situation, which relates closely to the beliefs we have.

So if we have control over how we perceive things, then we also have control over the beliefs in our life. All of our beliefs put together comprise our belief system, which is such an important part of our lives, yet most of us do not pay much attention to it, and let our belief system fly on autopilot. And this is not necessarily a bad thing, because it’s unrealistic and a waste of time to keep checking every single belief we have before we make a decision. What our belief system should do is guide us without us having to check up on it. But the problem is, for most people, their belief system is comprised of beliefs they don’t want, or are not healthy for them.

Now, the million dollar question is, “How can I develop a strong belief system?”
Well, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that you can literally believe anything you want, and put anything you want into your belief system. Your subconscious mind will believe anything you tell it, and, if you program good beliefs into it, then it will remember those and act accordingly.

The not so good news is that changing your old belief system is not always an easy task, and one that takes time and effort. However, the time and effort spent on this will help you in every part of your life, and can even transform your life into something grander, more beautiful, and ultimately more satisfying.

How I developed my belief system is closely related to last month’s article, in which I discussed ways to develop true, core confidence. True belief in yourself and your abilities comes from within, not from accomplishments. Therefore, again, you have to love yourself and fully believe that you are the creator of your own destiny and future.

There is no one specific, magic formula for changing your belief system or developing a new one. But to change an old belief system, you can do what I did. Write down on a piece of paper the beliefs that you have, that you are not proud of. Then, change those beliefs, and write down a different belief incorporating that change.

For example, you may have the belief that “I can never start my own restaurant and be successful at it.” Write that down, and then change it, to something like this:

“It is my vision to own a successful Greek restaurant. I know that I am fully capable of doing so, and lack absolutely nothing. I have the belief that I can start my restaurant and make it successful, and with hard work, effort, and a good business plan, I will make my vision a reality.”

You can do this with literally every belief that you want to change. After you change those beliefs on paper, it is time to program them into your mind. Repeating them twice each evening and twice each morning for a period of two weeks will get you started.

To develop a new belief system, it is much simpler – just start believing whatever you want to believe, right now!

That may sound trite, but in reality it is more profound than you could ever imagine – you can indeed start believing what you want right now.

You don’t need results to help you believe, nor do you need any proof. The only proof is that you believe something fully. Admittedly, this is a difficult thing to teach in today’s society, which emphasizes results and a “win-lose” mentality.

But here is the truth – no one can tell you what to believe in, because it comes from within. No one has any right to tell you what you can and cannot believe in. If you want to succeed at something, then it’s up to you to make that happen, because no one else will do it for you.

And remember, to have such a solid belief system, it has to literally be a part of you, every day, every minute, and every second. It is not something you can switch on before, say, leaving the house, or before going to work. It has to be existent in every situation, and with every person you interact with.

Therefore, one very important thing to consider here is that the belief must come before the action. This means that before you embark upon something, whether it is a job search, starting a new hobby or sport, or moving to another country – you have to have the belief that you can succeed at it, before you actually do it!

For example, you can believe that you will start learning and become proficient at a new language. “Starting tomorrow I shall start learning Chinese, and I will succeed at it, because I have the drive, passion, and enthusiasm which is required to succeed at learning a foreign language.”

I have used this very same belief in my own life – I speak five languages and am learning the sixth. You guessed it…Chinese!

I’ve learned Japanese, which is considered one of the world’s most difficult languages, and am now learning Chinese, which is also considered one of the world’s most difficult languages.

I’ve done it not because I’m a prodigy or I’m naturally good at learning languages, though some might say that I am. I have done it by putting hours and hours of effort and practice into it, along with the belief that I can learn any language I want to.

But don’t look at me – look at the examples around you of people who are successful at the things you want to be successful at. You will see very clearly that their belief systems help them achieve their success, and not the other way around.

You must remember that you create the enjoyment or hell in your life. It is entirely up to you and how you perceive a particular situation to be. Ancient philosophers such as Epictetus and Seneca were talking about this thousands of years ago, and now, motivational speakers are talking about it.

No matter who talks about it, the truth remains the same – you can create any kind of experience you believe in.

We have countless examples in modern society of people whose beliefs led them to spectacular and inspirational achievements. One of my heroes is the hockey player Wayne Gretzky. Although he was considered a hockey prodigy when he was very young, many critics claimed he was too small and thin to play in the NHL, and that he would never make it in the big leagues.

Gretzky proved them wrong, as he practiced nearly five hours a day and never quit. He thus became the greatest hockey player of all time and set more individual records in his sport than any other athlete in their respective sports.

In spite of his great abilities, had Gretzky not fully believed in himself, there is no way he could have become the greatest player of all time. We often see athletes who have tremendous natural ability, but who falter and consequently do not become anywhere near as good as they could have been.
But the fact that someone is successful is not important – it is the belief he has inside that is important, and which makes him successful.

So, to sum up this article, I’ll give you a variation of a famous quote from Henry Ford:
“Whether you BELIEVE you can or BELIEVE you can’t, you’re right.”

incredible mind

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