Thursday, April 16, 2009

Law of Attraction

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions"
- Albert Einstein-

The Magnetic Power Of your Mind

Our mind is immensely powerful. Just like a magnet attracts some and repels some objects, our minds too have similar characteristic. You can confirm this by examining the people around you. They pass through some common and some dissimilar circumstances and events. Some of these events or tasks can be completed by some of them easily and some find it extremely tough to accomplish those tasks.

Our mind is nothing but a generator of thoughts. These thoughts become magnets and send out magnetic currents. Any action or idea will be perceived by you as you see and think about it. The more optimistic you are, the event becomes good for you. On the contrary if you develop a negative attitude, you are sure to attract negative things into your life.

The more you think about a certain issue, the higher are the chances that they will get attracted into your life. Having said that, it does not mean that all you think will become real. Thoughts need a particular strength to materialize. Weak magnets do not attract much, and so do weak thoughts.

All of us aware about the fact the magnet can attract metals. The stronger and bigger the magnet, the bigger objects get attracted. Another characteristic typical of magnets is that while one side attracts, it can repel objects too.
Attraction, is an unbiased or neutral power. The magnet attracts everything that is iron, irrespective of whether it is useful or not. Same is the case with our mind and thoughts. Be positive and optimistic if you want good things happen in you life, and if you act otherwise you are sure to end up with a lot of negative things in your life.
Like I mentioned earlier, our brains are like magnets. If they can attract, they can repel too. Any negative thoughts like incompetence, fear, inferiority complex, self doubt will drive a lot of good things away from your life. These thoughts will be the very factors and will act as a wind that would carry good things away from your life.

You can definitely train you brain to have positive energy. Concentration, passion and belief are some of the tools you can use and apply to charge up your brain with positive thoughts and energy.
For many, powering up mind becomes a constant activity. They are not even aware that their minds are charging up. It becomes so much part of their daily routine. You just have to know the correct method and you too can empower your brain so as to change your life in a positive way.

There are many techniques you can try out to empower your mind. Visualization, passion, repeating thoughts, focusing on thoughts are some. Whatever you think, they get transmitted and may match waves transmitted by other people. This may lead to collaboration between you and people who have thoughts similar to yours. You will find numerous opportunities that come up your way. You will find such experiences very positive and will boost your confidence a lot.

Isn’t it prudent to channel your thoughts to be positive and beneficial to you. This will make positive things get attracted into your life. Believe me, you mind has a lot of untapped magnetic power which you can utilize to attract positive people, circumstances and opportunities into yourlife.

The basic rule is pretty simple. Whatever you think about with great desire and focus will invariably get attracted to you. It may something spiritual or materialistic, but it will come into your life. The power of attraction is omnipresent and applicable to all. It is one of the prime sources due to which our world exists today.

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The Law Of Attraction : The Simplest and Strongest in the Universe

Each individual has a lot of untapped potential in himself. Are you aware that every experience that you have undergone in life till now is because of your thoughts and emotions behind these thoughts? Examine your life. You are happy with some of the conditions and unhappy with some. Most of us end up believing that we are a victim of destiny. But that is far away from truth. Life is a beautiful game and like every game it also has Laws which we need to understand in depth to win this game.

I am sure no one contradicts the law of gravity. No matter we believe it nor not it never fails to be active. Same is the case with Universal Laws. They exist and affect our lives even though we are not conscious about them. Gravity is perhaps the weakest of all Universal Laws. It only affects the earth, but the Universal Laws affect all dimensions of each being and object in this Universe.

The Law of Attraction, is undoubtedly the strongest of all the Universal Laws. To put it in few words “Like attracts like” or “That which is likened unto itself is drawn”. It means that whatever we focus on by means of our thoughts, we will have it in our life. If we focus on what we want we will attract it, on the other hand, if we focus on what we don’t want we will attract it too!

I know what you must be thinking. You must be wondering that if all I have said above is true what is reason you were not aware of it. Or some of you must be wondering why don’t you have the money you have wished for years now.

The Law is very simple. Our thoughts are very haphazard and short living. For instance, when you say “ I want a brand new trendy sportscar”, the same moment the Universe begins deliberations for your wish to become a reality. But then in the same breath you say “But I can’t afford it” and you dispel all that Universe was deliberating to make your wish come true.

Now that you are aware about the mechanism of the Law, make use of it. When you wish for something, say , a sportscar, but feel you can’t afford it become aware that you are transmitting thoughts which convey the message of scarcity. So you end up with being more scarce. So by changing our thoughts and emotions we can use them like a magnet to attract what we want.

To give another instance, let us consider money. You have been wanting money for a long time now. Just examine what you feel each time you think about money. Do you feel happy, elated or do you end up angry and disappointed? You may be even envious of those of have it. My experience says that most people are always emotionally confused when it comes to money. You need not worry. No matter how sad or frustrated you have felt, you can still change it. Just consciously practice the Law of Attraction by altering your thoughts and feelings and you will have money flowing into your life soon.

The Law of Attraction is a guiding beacon for everyone who wants to change conditions of his/her life. You just need to understand how this law works and use it to your benefit. Initiate activities to alter your thoughts and you can change a lot of things. What you should be aware is the kind of emotions and feelings you garner on a particular subject. That is a true measure of how you feel. Another scale to measure is the conditions of your life. Your emotions will be of the greatest assistance to you when you want to judge the energy and waves that you are transmitting. Emotions never lie.

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Your Thoughts Become Your Reality

Do you know the reason for believing the things you do? It is because you are the one who tells your brain to do so. Your brain trusts you immensely and hence takes everything that you say to be true. This is how the subconscious mind works. It cannot differentiate between reality and fantasy. The conscious mind is responsible for differentiating them both.

If you believe something is true, it is because you have repeated it to yourself a number of times. This way you convince yourself of things that are false to be true. You do not do this intentionally though. All the information gets stored in your subconscious mind even if false. Once it happens, everything that happens in your life will strengthen your belief. You get the proof of what you believe in. hence your are the one who has created this reality for yourself. So what does it mean? Let is see below.

Let me give you an example. You may believe that you do are not capable of succeeding and realizing your dreams. If this is what you truly are convinced about, you will never be inspired to change your belief. You will turn a blind eye to the opportunities that fetch you success. Even if you once take an opportunity, and hit a roadblock and fail to move ahead, your belief gets strengthened. You will think that you never had it in you, hence could not succeed. Hence this belief gets even more strongly embedded into your mind.

Every time you have a thought you emit energy into the universe. You have a positive thought and this emits positive energy, but then your old doubts crop up and neutralize the positive energy. The universe then doesn’t act on the positive thought you have just transmitted. So you have no chances of succeeding. So the negative belief again wins and then you never proceed in your life. You also reinforce the belief that you can never succeed in your life.

If you want to succeed in your life, you should examine the beliefs that you currently hold. These beliefs could be about anything love, profession, religion etc. you have to examine it practically to prove or disprove them. You have to boldly examine all the negative beliefs and arrive on the root cause of why you believe in them. Once you know the reasons, you can work to change those beliefs. Positive affirmations will help you a lot in this regard. Soon you will start to reap the results of using these affirmations to change your belief system. You will replace each and every negative belief that you have held and that has prevented you from progressing in life.

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Why Law of Attractions Fails : 5 Reasons

The Secret has become a rage these days. Everybody is talking about it. Are you too?

Law of attraction has been here for thousands of years and has been discussed for quite some time now.

In brief, the law of attraction says that it is you who decides what kind of life you will lead. What you focus on becomes a reality. If you accept this, you will never criticize people or any other external factor for the kind of life you are leading. Hence you can create your life in any manner. The sky is the limit.

To practice the law of attraction you must have the vision as to what you really and want and be passionate about it. Most people lack the intention to fulfill what they desire to do.

For example, you want to be rich, have a lovely relationship and a magnificent career. You are excited and you want to see results fats. But nothing happens in the beginning. This is because the intensity of your intention is not strong enough. Once you have this, you can attract what you want.

Some intentions take much longer to manifest. Some of the reasons could be:

1. If you lose focus you lose it all. You have to put energy if you want to create something. In the movie it has been repeated that you have the power to create. In other words, the more you think about a concept the more you realize it. Whatever you focus on expands. The manifestation will also be as strong as your intention is. Act on what you want. Otherwise only intention will do you no good.

2. intentions alone are not the key. You have to be passionate about them. We mostly focus on what others desire and don’t pay heed to what we want. Passion is what adds the X factor to the concept you want to create. If you are not passionate or excited about you goals, you probably are wrong about wanting them.

3. Make your intentions very clear. The clarity should be to the highest level possible. For example, one of my friends wanted a loving partner. She wrote all qualities she wanted in her partner. She had him only thing he turned to be gay. She forgot to specify this in her notes. Hence let not your intentions be unclear. If you want to be rich, write down how much you want to earn and by when. This will give you a greater focus.

4. You accidentally cancel your intention. How might you do that? By having conflicting beliefs! Ok - how many times have I talked about this, right? If your intent is to attract wealth and you hold beliefs like, “I don’t deserve to have money, I’m not good enough/smart enough, I’ll always have money problems, then you’ll be short-circuiting the power of your thoughts by neutralizing your creating energy. That’s like putting a dam in the middle of a flowing stream. That’s why I continue to advocate the critical value of self-awareness work - getting to know who you really are. The good news is that once you identify conflicting beliefs you can transform them with the right tools.

5. You may even sabotage your relationship. Any negative emotion like fear, anger, jealousy etc will neutralize your intentions. If you notice these qualities, nip them in the bud. Shift focus. Try to remember all the good things that you have received till now. Be thankful to whatever you have received. Be very choosy as to what you tell others. People’s negativity might also affect your.

Hence when you wake up, imagine about things you want to create that day.

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Why Law of Attraction May Not Work For you

Law of Attraction is immensely powerful. It means that whatever we think about will become a reality. The best way to know about is to watch the movie “The Secret”, which tells you a whole lot about this law and tells you how you can create your life experiences.

Yes, what you think about becomes reality. According to one of the characters in the movie, thoughts manifest in the form of things. The movie is a great source to know about and practice realizing one’s dreams and desires. One know how to achieve goals. These could be small goals and even bigger things you want to accomplish.

The movie mostly focuses on things that are material. Not much is spoken about the spiritual things that we can really experience. It is provoked a bigger question: why doesn’t every thought become a thing? If we are in a universe wherein the law of attraction is existent, if not dominant, then every thought should manifest. This manifestation occurs but not immediately and this has been explained well in the movie, The Secret.

Yes, thoughts that are emotionally charged will be realized if you repeat them enough number of times. But there are reasons for these thoughts not manifesting into reality. These are:

1) We are on this planet to learn through life lessons, and as part of our life lessons, not all of the things we desire are in the realm of possibility for us in this life time at a given time. As an example, if you are here to learn patience, and you desire manifestation to occur at a rapid rate, then you are butting up against your own life path;

2) Your subconscious may be in conflict with your conscious desires. Perhaps you have a fear of failure or a fear of success or an issue with deserving more that conflicts directly with you conscious ability to manifest; and

3) There is a superior force that exists in this universe. You may call it God or Universe or Almighty. But this could be against your goals and hence you may not be able to realize them.

On the other hand, it is good that not all thoughts became realities. I have had emotional thoughts in the past which were very negative and had they become reality it would have been a difficult situation for me. But things turned out far better. This is why I say there are superior forces existent on the earth which will have a strong influence on whether you will realize things that you think about.

If you believe that you can realize all your thoughts it is nothing, but being foolish. It is good to think positive, but not good to think only about yourself. You are not the only one in this world who needs stuff in their lives. Law of attraction is often used for realizing materialistic things, whereas it is actually made to take the thought process of a person to a far more higher level than physical and materialistic.

Learn as and when possible. This could be painful but is a necessity. When you don’t get things you desire, you often are provided with other things. These if you examine are much better than what you wanted. These are things like strength, faith in God, help and inner peace. You cannot have a price tag for any of this and cannot buy them in any store.

Hence don’t form an opinion on someone else’s experience. At the same time don’t be too tough on yourself. Don’t be frustrated if you don’t get things you want. There are things better that the universe if readying to provide to you soon. It will take you to a completely new level.

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Law Of Attraction : The Universal Law

What is the first things that comes to your mind when you hear attract? It is really great when you are able to attract what you like into your life. This is not a dream, it is very much possible to do so. Universal Law of Attraction is as active as the law of Gravity. You just have to become aware and learn a few basic rules about it.

The Law of Attraction has been expressed in various manners. It is beyond doubt that the law of attraction has been active all through. You must have definitely come across following alternate ways of expressing this law:

1. As you sow, so shall you reap.
2. What you put is what you receive.
3. Like attracts like.
4. Law of Supply and Demand.
5. What comes around goes around.
6. Bible- “ As a man think in his hear, so is he.”
7. Law of Compensation – name, given by Emerson.

“What you transmit around in the form of your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures and words, is what you attract into your life”. This is how e Ponder, author of Dynamic Law of Prosperity defined the Law of Atraction.

It is a fact that like attracts like. So how is the relevant to you?. When you are focused on what you WANT you will definitely attract it. On the other side, if you are focused on what you DON’T WANT, you attract it too! Each one of us has characteristic of magnet. We attract what we focus on irrespective of whether we need it or not. Also like a magnifying glass, what we focus on gets larger and comes even more quickly into our life.

I am sure you must have experienced a situation where you were very focused on accomplishing something. It was the time you were passionate and you were channelising every bit of your energy into achieving it. No force could deter you from accomplishing it. You believed that you deserved and never had a doubt if it was for you. You planned it out and came out with a thumping victory.

Many of us also go through a time when we need something pretty badly, but do not get it. For instance, take money. You wish to have a steady flow of income, but you are not able to. What you think at this time is not about how to create it but other issues like paying bills, money being evil or you just feel that you cant get a steady source of income. The focal point at this point of time should be how to create money, but you do exactly opposite – focus on lack of money. Obviously, this will not help you create it.

So as per the law of attraction, if you focus on negative aspects, things which you don’t have, you will only create more scarcity of the same. If you instead shift your focus to what you have, you will increase it. Many a times we say NO to many things, wish a lot of things to not happen to us, this makes you focus on the thing and it gets attracted. This is the unique characteristic of Law of Attraction. Whether you wishing for it or not wishing for it is not the issue there. The subject matter of what you wanting or not wanting transmits in the form of waves and ultimately ends up in our life. So be careful when you refuse or do not wish anything.

The good thing to do is to focus on good things and what you want. You should realize that what you want radiate and transmit in the form of mental waves is what you end up attracting into your life. There is nothing more crucial than feeling good. How you feel and where you focus on, is what you will surely attract. This is a fact and you have to accept it.

The universe is abundant. There is no dearth, its only our view of it. There is always ample amount of what you ask and you should strive for it. It is everybody’s right to be wealthy and enjoy equally at all levels. There is nothing that you cannot be in this world. You have to build this kind of confidence and mindset into yourself.

Now is the time to use the Law of Attraction to create things that we need. You can have all that you desire in life. You have to build the confidence in yourself that you can achieve anything in life. Be very cautious as to what you think and feel. Thoughts and feelings which make you feel good will help you in a great way in attracting what you want in your life.

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The Law Of Attraction

Everyone wants to experience things which make us happy. Each one of us has a lot of wants and wishes which have remained unfulfilled. But it is our desires that bring unhappiness to our life. Equip yourself with the basics of law of attraction and you will become empowered enough to drive your life to happiness.

Desire, perhaps, is the most wonderful thing one can experience. The reason why this world came into existence is this desire. It is due to desires only that we come together, physically and metaphysically to create new life.

Every one of us would be delighted if we had a magic mantra or a genie who would make true every wish that we have garnered in our life. But the fact is we need not possess anything like a mantra or genie to make this happen. There is a lot of power endowed into us. We just have to discover and unleash it for our benefit.

The Bible has said that we, human beings, are the image of God. It also says the results that we experience are due to the actions we have taken in the past. That is we create and by that we are God, endowed with power of creation. We can co- create what we desire by our unwavering focus on our thoughts. Prayer is a beautiful way to ask for God’s help and the best prayer is to imagine to already have what we desire and express gratitude for the same. This is called affirmative prayer. The more we express gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us, the more the blessings will come into our life. Our thoughts and true prayer can help us achieve a lot.

Creative visualization is another method to use this law. It is nothing complicated. It is simply to imagine every detail of what we desire. Many people express inability to visualize. It is not at all complex. Indeed, it is the technique we have always used. I am sure each of us does think about things he wants to eat, or remembers the weekend trip. In this process what we do is visualize. It is the basic power endowed to each individual in this universe. We practice it unconsciously, but when we do it consciously we are moving in the direction of co-creation.

“Thoughts are things”. This is a very true statement. Each of our thoughts, beliefs and feelings are real, nothing imaginary and unrealistic about them. They have life and spiritual substance. Every experience that we go through has its origins in the non physical. Each thought that is born in our mind is a seed. Each time we think about that idea we are watering it and fertilize it when we put it emotion into the thought. The more we strongly believe in our desire and visualize it, the faster it will become a reality in our life.

All this has a lot of proof present all around us. People who are positive are reassured about their optimism by the results of their actions. Likewise, pessimists too bear the results of their actions. A pessimist usually focuses his thoughts on what he is concerned about. As a result, he ends up creating more of what he/she is worried about. A pessimist can definitely bring about a change to what he creates by initiating a change in what he thinks and focuses on.

Everything that happens- happens for good. I am a firm believer in the above statement. The Laws of the Universe are always functioning for our good. It is up to us to be aware of them and use them for our benefit. The Law of Attraction is a great way to make this world more enjoyable and peaceful to live in.

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When the idea is not right. God Says, "No"
No - when the path is not the best
No - when the destiny is absolutely wrong
No - when it may help you tough it could create problems for anyone else

When the time is not right, God says,"Slow"
What a catastrophe it would be
If God answers every prayer at the snap of your fingers
Do you know what would happen ?
God would become your servant, not your master

God's delay is not God denial
God's timing is perfect
Patience is what we need in prayer

When you are not right. God Says, "Grow"
The selfish must grow in unselfishness
The cautious one must grow in courage
The timid behavior must grow in confidence
The dominating character must grow in positive attitude
The pleasure seeking person must grow
in compassion for suffering people

When everything is alright, God says, "Go"
then miracles happen
A hopeless alcoholic is set free
A drug addict finds release
A Doubter becomes a child in belief
Diseased tissue responds to treatment and healing begins

The door to your Dreams suddenly swings open
And there stands God saying, "GO"

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