Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Incredible people | Gary Craig

Gary Craig developed the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), the core of which he learned as a student of Dr. Roger Callahan, a psychologist who devised Thought Field Therapy. Born in 1940, Gary has been interested in personal improvement via psychology since age 13. He recognized that the quality of his thoughts was mirrored in the quality of his life.

EFT is based on the natural flow of energy within our bodies. It is similar to Chinese acupuncture in that it allows the body to heal itself naturally. EFT strengthens and moves the body’s energy, which helps restore the body to its naturally balanced state. It often provides relief for a very wide range of physical symptoms and is usually quite gentle.

Gary, an avid student of A Course in Miracles, is not a psychologist nor is he a licensed therapist. He is an engineering graduate of Stanford University and an ordained minister with the Universal Church of God in Southern California, which is non-denominational and embraces all religions. Although Gary approaches EFT from a distinctly spiritual perspective, people using it are not asked to follow any specific spiritual teaching.





Incredible People | Derren brown


Derren was born in 1971 in Croydon. It was a difficult birth: his mother was in Devon at the time. A precocious and puzzling only child for some years, he liked to paint, foster obsessive habits, and once set fire to a neighbour's boat by accident. Later, after his brother was born, Derren went to study Law and German at Bristol University and fell in love with the city. This was still at the time when marriages between man and city were frowned upon, so rather than risk public derision, Derren decided to just live there after graduating and vowed never to leave. During this time he didn't have two pennies to rub together, which was a shame as it was his only way of keeping warm. He began to perform magic in bars and restaurants, and gave occasional hypnosis shows. Meanwhile he continued to paint unflattering portraits of the rich and famous.

In 1999 he was asked by what was then Channel 4 to put a mind-reading programme together for people's televisions. Their first choice, Cheryl from Bucks Fizz, had turned out to be shit at it. A year later, Easter 2000, at ten in the evening, Derren and his family gathered round a fuzzy grey picture on the corner of their living room. It was of the once popular actress Nerys Hughes, and this had become something of a festive tradition. Later in the year, at Christmas, 'Derren Brown: Mind Control, with Derren Brown' quite literally aired. It was an immediate success, and gained Derren a cool, underground kudos which he described as "not enough".

Mind Controls 2 and 3 followed, then a series, then a brief spell in prison, and then in October 2003 Derren caused an international furore with 'Derren Brown Plays Russian Roulette Live'. This secured his notoriety with the public and his big apartment in London. "Bristol can shove itself", he said.

The Seance followed soon after, which was Derren's first look at the area of spiritualism and paranormal phenomena, and the first show where his intelligent scepticism could be expressed. Derren says of the show, "By now I was properly famous and could pretty much buy whatever I wanted". Further specials have followed, including 'Messiah', which took him undercover to the US to see if leaders in paranormal belief systems would wrongly endorse him as the real thing.

Since then he gets several letters of complaint a week from psychics and Christians. He is sensitive to everyone's objections, but knows that at least the latter group will forgive him. His workload keeps him exhausted and irritable 52 weeks a year, and he continues to live in London with a large collection of taxidermy and two rather fatalistic parrots, where he spends any free weekends painting.



Monday, August 24, 2009

Incredible People | Richard Wiseman


Professor Richard Wiseman started his working life as an award-winning professional magician, and was one of the youngest members of The Magic Circle. He then obtained a first class honors degree in Psychology from University College London and a doctorate in psychology from the University of Edinburgh.

For the past twelve years he has been the head of a research unit at the University of Hertfordshire, and in 2002 was awarded Britain's first Professorship in the Public Understanding of Psychology.

Prof Wiseman has established an international reputation for his research into unusual areas of psychology, including deception, luck and the paranormal. He has published over 40 papers in refereed academic journals, including articles in one of the world’s most respected science publications, Nature.

He has given invited addresses and keynote speeches in Britain and abroad, including to The Royal Society, The Royal Society for the Arts, Microsoft, Caltech, and The Royal Institution.

Prof Wiseman’s research has been featured on over 150 television programmes, including Horizon (BBC), Body Shock (Channel 4), 20/20 (ABC), and Dateline (NBC). He is regularly heard on BBC Radio 4, including appearances on ‘Start the Week’, ‘Midweek’ and ‘The Today Programme’. Feature articles about his work have regularly appeared in The Times, The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian, and a recent poll revealed that he was the psychologist most frequently quoted in the British media.

Prof Wiseman first book, The Luck Factor, presents a comprehensive account of his ten-year research project into the nature of luck. This best-selling book has now been published into 14 languages and published in over 25 countries. His latest book, Quirkology, examines the curious psychology of everyday life, including laughter, lying, and love. This book has featured heavily in the media, and the You Tube channel designed to support it has received over 3 million views.

His work has been supported by grants from several prestigious organisations, including The Perrott Warrick Fund (Trinity College Cambridge), The Leverhulme Trust, The Wellcome Trust, and The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA).

Prof Wiseman was the recipient of The CSICOP Public Education In Science Award in 2000 and the Joseph Lister Award For Social Science in 2002. In 2004 he was awarded a NESTA DreamTime Fellowship for his innovative work in science communication, and in 2005 served as President of the General Section of The British Association for the Advancement of Science.



Incredible People | Fritz Perls Gestalt


Friedrich (Frederick) Salomon Perls (July 8 1893, Berlin – March 14, 1970, Chicago), better known as Fritz Perls, was a noted German-born psychiatrist and psychotherapist of Jewish descent.

He coined the term 'Gestalt Therapy' for the approach to therapy he developed with his wife Laura Perls from the 1940s, and he became associated with the Esalen Institute in California in 1964. His approach is related but not identical to Gestalt psychology and the Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy of Hans-Jürgen Walter.

At Gestalt Therapy's core is the promotion of awareness, the awareness of the unity of all present feelings and behaviors, and the contact between the self and its environment.

Perls has been widely evoked outside the realm of psychotherapy for a quotation often described as the "Gestalt prayer". This was especially true in the 1960s, when the version of individualism it expresses received great attention.


Fritz Perls was born in Berlin, Germany, in 1893. He was expected to go into law like his distinguished uncle Herman Staub, but instead studied medicine. After a time spent in the German Army in the World War I trenches, he graduated as a doctor. Perls gravitated to psychiatry and the work of Freud and the early Wilhelm Reich.

In 1930 he married Laura Perls (born Lore Posner), they had two children together, Renate and Stephen.

In 1933, soon after the Hitler regime came into power, Fritz Perls, Laura and their eldest child Renate fled to the Netherlands, and one year later they emigrated to South Africa, where Fritz Perls wrote Ego, Hunger, and Aggression in 1941 (published 1942). His wife Laura contributed to the book, but she is usually not mentioned. In 1942 Fritz went into the South African army where he served as an army psychiatrist with rank of captain until 1946.

The Perls moved to New York in 1946, where Fritz Perls first worked briefly with Karen Horney, and then with Wilhelm Reich. Around 1947, Perls asked author Paul Goodman to write up some hand-written notes, which together with contributions from Ralph Hefferline and Goodman, were published as Gestalt Therapy.

Fritz Perls moved to California in 1960, where he continued to offer his workshops as a member of the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, until he left the United States to start a Gestalt community at Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island, Canada, in 1969. Fritz Perls died almost a year later on 14 March 1970 in Chicago of heart failure, after surgery at the Louis A. Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago.




Incredible people | Virginia Satir


Virginia Satir is one of the key figures in the development of family therapy. She believed that a healthy family life involved an open and reciprocal sharing of affection, feelings, and love. Satir made enormous contributions to family therapy in her clinical practice and training. She began treating families in 1951 and established a training program for psychiatric residents at the Illinois State Psychiatric Institute in 1955. Satir served as the director of training at the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto from 1959-66 and at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur beginning in 1966. In addition, Satir gave lectures and led workshops in experiential family therapy across the country. She was well-known for describing family roles, such as "the rescuer" or "the placator," that function to constrain relationships and interactions in families (Nichols & Schwartz, 1998. Family Therapy: Concepts and Methods. 4th ed. Allyn & Bacon). Satir's genuine warmth and caring was evident in her natural inclination to incorporate feelings and compassion in the therapeutic relationship. She believed that caring and acceptance were key elements in helping people face their fears and open up their hearts to others (Nichols & Schwartz, 1998. Family Therapy: Concepts and Methods. 4th ed. Allyn & Bacon). Above all other therapists, Satir's was the most powerful voice to wholeheartedly support the importance of love and nurturance as being the most important healing aspects of therapy. Unfortunately, Satir's beliefs went against the more scientific approach to family therapy accepted at that time, and she shifted her efforts away from the field to travel and lecture. Satir died in 1988 after suffering from pancreatic cancer.



Sunday, August 23, 2009

Incredible people | Milton Erickson


Milton Erickson is considered the father of modern hypnotherapy. The therapy he engendered, Ericksonian hypnotherapy, is one of the fastest growing and influential branches of hypnotherapy today. His methods have inspired short term strategic therapy, the rebirth of guided imagery, and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to name a few. Even John Bradshaw, in both of his acclaimed series on PBS, frequently quotes Erickson and calls him "the greatest therapist who ever lived."

What sets Ericksonian Hypnosis apart from other, more traditional forms of hypnosis? Perhaps the best way to gain insight into this question is to follow Erickson's lead and use stories, starting with Erickson's own dramatic life story. A story of courage and determination and one that, to me, is a confirmation of the belief that there are no coincidences. Everything happens for a reason, and has benefit.

Erickson was born in a pioneering and rural farming country in 1902. The schooling he and many of his brothers and sisters received was basic, and thus it is not surprising that nobody noticed that young Milton was experiencing the world in a rather unique manner: he was color blind, tone deaf, and slightly dyslexic. These perceptual abnormalities may have led Erickson to a roadless traveled", but it wasn't until his teenage years that his life would take a truly pivotal turn - a turn that would effect his destiny and the evolution of hypnotherapy as we know it.

In the summer of 1919, at the age of seventeen, he was stricken with his first attack of Polio (his second would come at the age of fifty-one). It was an extremely severe infection. He was not expected to survive, and his parents were told that he would be dead by the following morning. He lapsed into a coma. When he awoke three days later he found himself completely paralyzed, unable to move except for his eyes, and barely able to speak. Since there were no rehabilitation facilities in their community, there was no reason to expect that he'd ever recover.

Milton kept his still active and keen mind occupied as he played mental games with himself. He learned to notice the difference between his family's verbal and non-verbal communications. He noticed that sometimes people would say "no" with their mouth while their body was clearly saying "yes." His parents, who took care of him as best they could, fashioned a crude potty for him and left him strapped into his chair for hours. He was sitting somewhere in the middle of the room, looking longingly at the window, wishing he could be near it so that he could see what was happening outside. As he sat there, seemingly immobile, intensely wishing and imagining being outside playing, the chair began to rock slightly. This excited him greatly and he endeavored to make it happen again. He gave himself direct commands: "Move legs! Rock the chair!" Nothing happened. Finally he gave up, sank back into his daydreams, and once more imagined playing outside. Again the chair began to rock! It was the indirect suggestion, that vivid imaging, that produced a response. Using this discovery, over the following two years, Milton taught himself to walk again (aided in the task by closely watching his baby sister who was only then learning to walk), and closely observed how human beings communicate and how the unconscious mind works. Thus one of the hallmarks of hypnotherapy was born: indirect suggestion.

Erickson said, "everyone is as individual as their own thumb print." In his practice, he tailored every induction to the client's individual needs and perceptual bias. He believed in the wisdom of the unconscious mind, and in the theory that people have all the resources necessary to make changes inside themselves. He believed that the job of the therapist is to help the client re-establish his/her connection with his/her inner resources and to develop a rapport between the conscious and the unconscious mind.

To illustrate this idea of client-centered therapy, Erickson once told his story to an assembled group of psychiatrists:

I was returning from high school one day and a runaway horse with a bridle sped past a group of us into a farmer's yard, looking for a drink of water. The farmer didn't recognize it so I jumped up to the horse's back, took hold of the reins and said "Giddy-up" and headed for the highway. I knew the horse would take me to the right directionä I didn't know what the right direction was. And the horse trotted and galloped along. Now and then he would forget he was on an highway and would start off into a field. So I would pull on him a bit and call his attention to the fact that the highway was where he was supposed to be. And finally about four miles from where I had boarder him he turned into a farmyard and the farmer said, "So that's how the critter came back. Where did you find him?" I said, "about four miles from here." "How did you know he should come here?" I said, "I didn't knowä the horse knew. All I did was keep his attention on the road."ä I think that is how you do psychotherapy.

Often, Erickson didn't use a formal trace induction. Instead he talk stories that has a deeper meaning. Sometimes that meaning was clear, most times it was not. At least not to the person's conscious mind. For example, a twelve-year-old boy was brought in to see Erickson about bedwetting. Erickson dismissed his parents and began talking to the boy about other topics, avoiding a direct discussion about bedwetting altogether. Upon learning that the boy played baseball and his brother football, Erickson elaborated on the fine muscle coordination it takes to play baseball, compared to the uncoordinated muscle skills used in football. The boy listened raptly as Erickson described in fine detail all the muscle adjustments his body automatically makes in order to position him underneath the ball and catch it: the glove has to be opened at just the right moment and clamped down again at just the right moment. When transferring the ball to another hand, the same kind of fine muscle control is needed. Then, when throwing the ball to the infield, if one lets go too soon, it doesn't go where on wants it to go. Likewise letting go too late leads to an undesired outcome and consequently to frustration. Erickson explained that letting go just at the right time gets it to go where one wants it to go, and that constitutes successä in baseball. Therapy with this young man consisted of four sessions that included talks about other sports, boy scouts, and muscles. But bedwetting was not discussed, and "formal hypnosis" was not conducted. The boy's bedwetting disappeared soon thereafter.

And what could you expect if you decided to go to an Ericksonian hypnotherapist today? Hard to specify. In much the same way that Erickson treated every patient on a very individual basis, there are as many approaches to the continuation of his work as there are followers of it. There is a joke that kind of sums it up: "How many Ericksonian hypnotherapists does it take to change a light bulb?" Answer: "Seventeen. One to change the bulb and sixteen to argue how Milton would have done it."



Friday, August 21, 2009

Incredible people | John Grinder


John Grinder is the co-originator of NLP and one of the greatest thinkers of our lifetime. He has authored 14 books on complex subjects ranging from transformational grammar, family therapy and his creation of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

NLP belongs to John Grinder, maybe not in the literal sense. If you studied the patterns of NLP which were originally developed in the 70’s you will recognize the wisdom of John Grinder flows throughout the early work. John’s work is documented in well over 1000 other educational books on subject matter ranging from specialist NLP matters, psychology, sales, negotiation, management, parenting and accelerated learning. Dr Grinder’s work is also the subject matter of well over 1000 NLP public seminars each year, training people over 20,000 people each year around the globe hosted by specialist NLP Trainers. The majority of quality business seminars will now include aspects of John Grinder’s work, which equates to figure of tens of thousands of people learning implicitly from the genius of John Grinder. That figure is growing every year.

John Grinder has devoted his life’s work towards his quest to uncover and present human patterns of excellence, modelled from geniuses in different fields. He created Neuro-Linguistic Programming with Richard Bandler, as a means to investigate and replicate extreme human excellence. It is these applications of NLP which are taught at the highest level of Corporate Excellence trainings worldwide and to world leaders whether implicitly or explicitly. With his partner Carmen, John is continually exploring new territories and continually updates his work, introducing new models of excellence and vastly updated models of his and Bandlers early work.

The NLP Academy is the only company in the UK where even the most advanced Master Practitioner, NLP Trainer or Corporate Leader will learn directly from John’s genius. Still today John’s books form the core and foundations of any NLP Practitioner training. With the NLP Academy you will fully experience the depth of John’s teachings, the breadth of his knowledge and infectious personal charisma, whether as part of the training sessions or over coffee in the breaks. John’s latest teachings will significantly refine your original NLP experience and will ensure his students stay ahead in their field.






Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Incredible people | Richard Bandler


Richard Bandler is a co-founder with John Grinder of the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. A student of mathematics, Richard began studying the work of Gestalt therapy founder Fritz Perls when he was asked to edit transcripts of Perls' lectures and workshops for the book Eyewitness To Therapy (1973) for Science and Behavior Books. He also began to work with family therapist Virginia Satir at this time.

Richard met John Grinder, a linguistics professor, as a student at the University of California at Santa Cruz. In 1974 Bandler and Grinder began to make a model of the language patterns used by Perls, Satir and Hypnotherapist Milton H. Erickson, which they published in their books The Structure of Magic Volumes I & II (1975, 1976), Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, Volumes I & II (1975, 1977) and Changing With Families (1976). These books formed the foundation of the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Richard is an author and co-author of numerous other books on NLP and its applications, including Frogs Into Princes (1979), NLP Volume I (1980), Tranceformations (1981), Reframing (1982), Using Your Brain (1985), An Insider's Guide to Sub-Modalities (1988), The Adventures of Anybody (1993), Time For a Change (1993) and Persuasion Engineering(1996).

Much of Richard's later work in NLP has focused on applications of submodalities, the subtle distinctions one can make in one's sensory experience and internal representations. His background as a musician and his interest in sound theory and the neurological impact of sound lead him to develop the area of Neuro-Sonics, which utilizes qualities of music and sound to create specific internal states. Richard is also the founder of the model and techniques of Design Human Engineering (DHE).

In addition to his creative genius, Richard is known for his sense of humor, his ability to use sophisticated language patterns, and his dynamic training style.


Incredible People | Paul McKenna


Paul McKenna (born 8 November 1963, in Enfield, Middlesex) is an English hypnotist and media personality. According to the Sunday Times he is Britain's best selling non-fiction author and is published in 23 languages.

McKenna has written and produced books and multimedia products, hosted self-improvement television shows and presents seminars in hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming and weight loss.


Paul McKenna started in radio, aged 16, at in-store Radio Topshop, and went on to present for stations including Radio Jackie, Radio Caroline, Chiltern Radio and Capital Radio.

A hypnotist who guested on his show led to a developing interest in the subject, initially for reasons of self-promotion, although entertainment was later to play a big part. Whilst still working at Capital, he began experimenting with small hypnotic shows, first for the amusement of friends, then for hoodwinked audiences in pubs and clubs. McKenna then started doing regular Sunday night shows at the Duke of York's Theatre, which was owned at the time by Capital. The success of those shows led to his playing other theatres across the UK, Ireland, The Netherlands, the US, Australia and Hong Kong.

After a brief spell at Radio 1 in the early 1990s, McKenna decided to quit radio. In 1993, ITV broadcast The Hypnotic World of Paul McKenna, which featured audience members volunteering to be hypnotised to act in comedic ways, the show subsequently being aired in 42 countries. During this time, McKenna continued to study hypnosis, and neuro-linguistic programming with Richard Bandler, the co-creator of NLP.

Many of McKenna's one-to-one hypnotherapy clients are celebrities including Ellen DeGeneres and David Walliams, who used McKenna's 'time distortion technique' to help with his swim across the English Channel .

In the 1990s, McKenna presented a number of TV programmes including The Hypnotic World of Paul McKenna (1993-1995), Paul McKenna's Paranormal World (1997) and Hyp the Streets (1999). In January 2008, the Discovery Channel signed a £23 million deal with McKenna to make a series of self-help programmes. To date, the deal is the largest ever for a British TV personality. The first of his I Can Make You Thin programmes aired on TLC, The Learning Channel on March 16 2008.




Sunday, August 16, 2009

10 Fenomena yang terjadi dalam pikiran manusia

10. Deja vu
Deja vu adalah pengalaman tertentu akan sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung di mana anda sudah mengalaminya atau
melihat situasi baru itu sebelumnya - anda merasa seolah-olah peristiwa telah terjadi atau sedang mengulanginya.
Pengalaman itu biasanya disertai oleh perasaan yang kuat seperti sudah mengenal dan suatu perasaan berupa
kengerian, asing, atau aneh. Pengalaman "yang sebelumnya" ini biasanya berhubungan dengan mimpi, tetapi kadangkadang
ada suatu perasaan pasti bahwa itu sudah terjadi di masa lalu.

9. Deja Vecu
Deja vecu (Dibaca deya vay-koo) adalah apa yang dialami banyak orang ketika mereka berpikir sedang mengalami deja vu.
Deja vu adalah perasaan telah melihat sesuatu sebelumnya,
sedangkan deja vecu adalah pengalaman setelah melihat suatu peristiwa sebelumnya,
tapi hanya di dalam detil yang besar - seperti mengenali bau-bauan dan bunyi-bunyian.
Hal ini juga biasanya disertai
oleh suatu perasaan yang sangat kuat akan pengetahuan sesuatu yang akan datang kemudian. Pengalaman yang
pernah terjadi - tidak hanya mengenal apa yang akan datang berikutnya - tetapi juga mampu mengatakan kepada orang
di sekitar apa yang akan datang itu, dan biasanya itu adalah benar. Ini sangat aneh dan sensasi yang tidak bisa

8. Deja Visite

Deja Visite adalah pengalaman yang hanya sedikit orang mengalaminya di mana melibatkan suatu pengetahuan gaib
akan suatu tempat yang baru. Sebagai contoh, anda mungkin pernah mengetahui jalur jalan di suatu kota yang baru
anda datangi atau pemandangannya meskipun tidak pernah ke sana sebelumnya, dan anda yakin mustahil mempunyai
pengetahuan tentang itu. Kalau Deja Visite tentang hubungan-hubungan geografis dan ruang, selagi Deja Vecu adalah
tentang kejadian-kejadian sementara waktu. Nathaniel Hawthorne menulis tentang sebuah pengalaman seperti ini di
dalam bukunya "Our Old Home" di mana dia mengunjungi sebuah benteng yang sudah hancur dan mempunyai
pengetahuan lengkap mengenai denah tata letaknya. Ia kemudiannya mampu melacak pengalaman itu dalam sebuah
puisi karangan Alexander Pope yang dibacanya beberapa tahun kemudian. Puisi itu menggambarkan keadaan benteng
itu dengan akurat persis seperti yang diketahuinya.

7. Deja Senti
Deja Senti adalah fenomena akan sesuatu yang pernah dirasakan. Hal ini eksklusif sebuah fenomena kejiwaan dan
jarang menetap di dalam ingatan anda setelah itu. Di dalam kata-kata dari orang setelah mengalaminya adalah: "Apa
yang menjadi perhatian adalah apa yang sudah diperhatikan sebelumnya, dan sungguh sudah dikenal, tetapi sudah
dilupakan untuk sementara waktu, dan sekarang merasa puas seakan-akan hal itu telah diingat kembali. Kemampuan
mengingat itu selalu dimulai dengan suara orang lain, atau oleh perkataan dari pikiranku sendiri, atau dengan apa yang
kubaca dan perkataan jiwa. Aku pikir selama keadaan tidak normal aku berkata-kata secara umum beberapa kalimat
sederhana seperti Oh, ya. Aku mengerti, Tentu saja, aku ingat, dan lain-lain, hanya satu atau dua menit kemudian aku
dapat mengingat kembali semuanya, dengan tidak memerlukan kata-kata maupun pemikiran yang dinyatakan dengan
lisan untuk menimbulkan ingatan. Aku hanya mendapatkan bahwa perasaan itu serupa dengan apa yang sudah
kurasakan sebelumnya di dalam kondisi tidak normal seperti itu.
Anda berpikir baru saja mengucapkannya, tetapi anda juga menyadari bahwa sesungguhnya tidak mengucapkan suatu
kata pun.

6. Jamais Vu
Jamais vu (tidak pernah melihat) digambarkan sebagai sebuah situasi sudah pernah dikenal tapi tidak bisa mengenali.
Hal itu sering dianggap sebagai kebalikan dari deja vu dan menimbulkan perasaan ngeri dan takut. Anda tidak
mengenali sebuah situasi meskipun anda mengetahui secara rasional bahwa anda telah berada di dalam situasi itu
sebelumnya. Secara umum dapat dijelaskan ketika seseorang beberapa saat tidak mengenali seseorang, kata, atau
tempat yang sebetulnya sudah diketahuinya. Ini menjadikan orang percaya bahwa jamais vu merupakan sejenis gejala
dari kelelahan otak.

5. Presque Vu
Presque vu sering diungkapkan dengan kata-kata, "serasa sudah di ujung lidah" - merupakan perasaan yang kuat
bahwa anda akan mendapatkan petunjuk atau ilham akan apa yang terlupa, tapi tidak pernah datang. Istilah "presque
vu" artinya "hampir melihat". Sensasi presque vu dapat sangat mengacaukan perasaan dan pikiran, dan seringkali
orang sudah tidur dibuatnya.

4. L'esprit de l'Escalier
L'esprit de l'escalier (lelucon di tangga rumah) adalah rasa untuk berpikir suatu komentar balasan yang cerdas ketika hal
itu sudah terlambat untuk disampaikan. Ungkapan itu dapat digunakan untuk menguraikan tentang komentar balasan
yang cepat terhadap penghinaan, atau setiap komentar pintar dan jenaka, walaupun kedatangannya sudah terlambat
dan tidak berguna lagi diumpamakan kita berpikir ketika sudah berada di atas tangga meninggalkan suatu kejadian.
Sebuah kata dari bahasa Jerman treppenwitz digunakan untuk maksud yang sama. Ungkapan yang terdekat di dalam
bahasa Inggris untuk menguraikan situasi ini adalah "being wise after the event atau menjadi bijaksana setelah kejadian.
Peristiwa itu biasanya disertai oleh perasaan penyesalan karena tidak terpikirkan sebelumnya untuk memberikan
komentar balasan yang cepat di saat diperlukan. Tapi mungkin lebih bijaksana kalau kita berpikir bahwa balasan itu
mungkin bisa merunyamkan hubungan. Tuhan menyintai orang yang sabar dan menahan diri.

3. Capgras Delusion
Capgras delusion adalah fenomena di mana seseorang percaya bahwa sahabat karib atau keluarganya sudah berganti
identitas seperti seorang penipu. Hal ini berhubungan dengan kepercayaan kuno bahwa bayi-bayi telah dicuri dan
digantikan oleh peri penculik anak dalam dongeng-dongeng di abad pertengahan, seperti juga khayalan modern
mengenai makhluk asing atau alien yang mengambil alih tubuh dari orang-orang di bumi untuk dijadikan sekutu mereka.
Khayalan ini ditemukan paling umum pada pasien berpenyakit jiwa, tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan itu juga sudah
mengacaukan pikiran anda.

2. Fregoli Delusion

Fregoli Delusion adalah fenomena otak yang jarang terjadi, di mana seseorang mempercayai bahwa orang-orang yang
berbeda, sesungguhnya adalah orang yang sama yang sedang menyamar. Hal itu sering dihubungkan dengan paranoid
dan kepercayaan bahwa orang yang menyamar itu sedang berusaha untuk menganiaya dirinya. Kondisi itu diberi nama
seperti aktor Italia, Leopoldo Fregoli yang terkenal dengan kemampuannya untuk merubah diri secara cepat selama
penampilannya aktingnya. Laporan pertama di 1927 dalam sebuah studi kasus pada seorang wanita berusia 27 tahun
yang percaya dia sedang dianiaya oleh dua yang aktor yang sering dilihatnya di sebuah teater. Dia percaya kalau orangorang
ini "mengejarnya terus-menerus dengan berubah wujud seperti orang-orang yang dikenalnya.

1. Prosopagnosia
Prosopagnosia adalah fenomena di mana seseorang tidak mampu mengenali wajah-wajah orang atau obyek yang
seharusnya sudah dikenal. Orang-orang yang mengalami kekacauan ini biasanya mampu menggunakan perasaan
lainnya untuk mengenali orang-orang, seperti bau parfum seseorang, bentuk atau gaya rambut, suara, atau bahkan gaya
berjalan mereka. Suatu kasus yang klasik dari kekacauan ini dimuat dalam sebuah buku yang terbit tahun 1998 dan
pernah ditampilkan dalam bentuk opera Michael Nyman berjudul "The man who mistook his wife for a hat atau orang
yang keliru akan istrinya karena topinya.
Kita mempunyai beberapa pengalaman akan perasaan, yang datang kepada kita beberapa saat, dari apa yang kita
katakan, dilakukan setelah dikatakan atau dilakukan sebelumnya, di suatu waktu yang lampau - dari hal-hal di sekeliling
kita, berupa masa lalu, dengan wajah-wajah sama, benda-benda, dan keadaan - dari pengetahuan kita yang sempurna
akan apa yang akan dikatakan nanti, seolah-olah kita tiba-tiba mengingatnya! - Charles Dickens

Monday, August 3, 2009

aku Ingin Merubah Dunia


By Unknown Monk, 1100 A.D.
Satu Pesan yang disampailkan oleh biksu tak dikenal, 1100 AD.
Yang saya terjemahkan dan kembangkan lagi,
semoga tulisan ini bisa memberikan kebaikan kepada kita semua :

best regards



aku Ingin Merubah Dunia

Ketika aku masih muda, aku ingin merubah dunia

Lalu aku dihadapkan “kenyataan” bahwa adalah sulit bagiku untuk dapat merubah dunia,
dan akupun merubah keputusanku, maka aku mencoba untuk merubah negaraku

Dan ketika aku dihadapkan “kenyataan” bahwa aku tidak dapat merubah negaraku,
aku mulai merubah fokusku untuk mencoba merubah kotaku.

lalu kemudian akupun kembali merubah keputusanku,
sebagai orang yang sudah lebih dewasa,
aku kembali dihadapkan “kenyataan” bahwa adalah sulit bagiku untuk bisa merubah kotaku,

dan untuk sekali lagi, akupun kembali merubah keputusanku untuk mencoba merubah keluargaku.
Dan sekarang sebagai orang yang sudah terbaring tak berdaya dan akan segera menutup usia,
aku pun akhirnya menyadari, satu-satunya yang bisa kurubah adalah diriku sendiri,

Lalu mendadak aku pun juga segera menyadari bahwa

andaikan sejak dulu aku sudah merubah diriku,

tentunya perubahanku akan membawa dampak yang bisa merubah keluargaku.

Dan perubahan pada diriku dan keluarga,

akan bisa memberikan dampak yang bisa merubah kota,

Maka dampak perubahan tersebut pun akan bisa merubah Negara,

lalu akupun juga menyadari, bahkan mungkin bagiku untuk bisa merubah dunia.



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